shalom aleichem

sha·lom a·lei·chem

S0314300 (shô′ləm ə-lā′KHəm, -kəm, shä-lōm′ ä-lā-KHĕm′)interj. Used as a traditional Jewish greeting or farewell.
[Hebrew šālôm 'ălêkem, peace be with you : šālôm, peace; see šlm in Semitic roots + 'ălêkem, with you ('al, 'ălê, to, upon; see ʕly in Semitic roots + -kem, second person pl. pronoun).]

shalom aleichem

(ʃaˈlɔm aˈlexɛm; English ʃəˈlɒm əˈleɪxəm) interjpeace be to you: used by Jews as a greeting or farewell. Often shortened to: shalom