supratrochlear veins

su·pra·troch·le·ar veins

[TA] several veins that drain the front part of the scalp and unite with the supraorbital vein to form the angular vein. Synonym(s): venae supratrochleares [TA], frontal veins (2) , venae frontales

su·pra·troch·le·ar veins

(sūpră-troklē-ăr vānz) [TA] Several veins that drain the front part of the scalp and unite with the supraorbital vein to form the angular vein.

su·pra·troch·le·ar veins

(sūpră-troklē-ăr vānz) [TA] Veins that drain front part of scalp and unite with supraorbital vein to form the angular vein.
Synonym(s): frontal veins (2) .