Supreme Administration of the Northern Oblast

Supreme Administration of the Northern Oblast


(VUSO), a counterrevolutionary government composed of Socialist Revolutionaries established on Aug. 2, 1918, in Arkhangel’sk during the British and American intervention of 1918-20 in northern Soviet Russia.

The chairman and minister of foreign affairs was N. V. Chaikovskii. VUSO was a puppet government controlled by the British and American interventionists. The VUSO program provided for the liquidation of the gains of the Great October Socialist Revolution. VUSO was essentailly a government of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie that paved the way in 1919 for the military dictatorial regime of General E. K. Miller, who was appointed commander in chief and head of the foreign affairs department in the so-called government. On Feb. 19, 1920, in connection with the offensive of the Red Army, this “government” fled from Arkhangel’sk.