Tractor and Implement Fleet
Tractor and Implement Fleet
(in agriculture), the aggregate of machines necessary for mechanization of the cultivation of crops.
The tractor and implement fleet consists of the following groups: tractors (self-propelled chassis) as general-purpose power sources; agricultural implements attached to them (plows, seeding machines, harrows, cultivators, mowers, and various non-self-propelled machines); independently operating harvest machines; stationary machines with individual or group drive of working parts; and transportation machines. According to the requirements of full mechanization, the agricultural machines of the tractor and implement fleet are combined into units for the cultivation of particular agricultural crops, taking into account the characteristics of production in various natural and climatic zones. The structure of the units of machinery changes as a result of specialization of farms and also depends on production technology and natural and climatic characteristics, which influence the selection of machines. Economical use of the tractor and implement fleet is based on observation of the rules of industrial operations, timely replacement, and provision of expanded reproduction on a new technical basis.