Acronym | Definition |
ASDM➣Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum |
ASDM➣Adaptive Security Device Manager |
ASDM➣Asuransi Dayin Mitra, PT (Jakarta, Indonesia) |
ASDM➣A Semantic Data Model (software engineering) |
ASDM➣Anlegerschutzverein Deutscher Makler für AMIS-Kunden eV (Germany) |
ASDM➣Airbag System Diagnostic Module |
ASDM➣Air Bag System Diagnostic Module |
ASDM➣Advanced Surgical Design and Manufacture (Australia) |
ASDM➣Association of South Dakota Museums |
ASDM➣Australian Surgical Design Manufacture Pty Ltd. |
ASDM➣Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month (ASPCA) |
ASDM➣Association Suisse des Délégués Médicaux |
ASDM➣ACTG Symptoms Distress Module (AIDS Clinical Trial Group) |
ASDM➣ALMA Science Data Model (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) |
ASDM➣Application Services Delivery Manager |
ASDM➣Automotive Steel Design Manual |
ASDM➣A Salto de Mata (Spain) |
ASDM➣Automated System Design Methodology |
ASDM➣asynchronous sigma-delta modulator |
ASDM➣Automated Solderability Dipping Machine |
ASDM➣Adult Spiritual Development Ministry |
ASDM➣Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems |
ASDM➣Auto Shutdown Manager (software) |
ASDM➣Asset, Service and Demand Management |
ASDM➣Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments (book) |
ASDM➣Association des Syndicats de Distribution et de Maintenance des Matériels (Paris, France) |
ASDM➣Automated Software Development Methodology |
ASDM➣Acquired Symmetrical Dermal Melanocytosis (pigmentary disorder) |
ASDM➣Architectural and Site Design Manual |
ASDM➣antisymmetric dispersion-managed |