ASDMArizona-Sonora Desert Museum
ASDMAdaptive Security Device Manager
ASDMAsuransi Dayin Mitra, PT (Jakarta, Indonesia)
ASDMA Semantic Data Model (software engineering)
ASDMAnlegerschutzverein Deutscher Makler für AMIS-Kunden eV (Germany)
ASDMAirbag System Diagnostic Module
ASDMAir Bag System Diagnostic Module
ASDMAdvanced Surgical Design and Manufacture (Australia)
ASDMAssociation of South Dakota Museums
ASDMAustralian Surgical Design Manufacture Pty Ltd.
ASDMAdopt-a-Shelter Dog Month (ASPCA)
ASDMAssociation Suisse des Délégués Médicaux
ASDMACTG Symptoms Distress Module (AIDS Clinical Trial Group)
ASDMALMA Science Data Model (Atacama Large Millimeter Array)
ASDMApplication Services Delivery Manager
ASDMAutomotive Steel Design Manual
ASDMA Salto de Mata (Spain)
ASDMAutomated System Design Methodology
ASDMasynchronous sigma-delta modulator
ASDMAutomated Solderability Dipping Machine
ASDMAdult Spiritual Development Ministry
ASDMAdvanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems
ASDMAuto Shutdown Manager (software)
ASDMAsset, Service and Demand Management
ASDMAsperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments (book)
ASDMAssociation des Syndicats de Distribution et de Maintenance des Matériels (Paris, France)
ASDMAutomated Software Development Methodology
ASDMAcquired Symmetrical Dermal Melanocytosis (pigmentary disorder)
ASDMArchitectural and Site Design Manual
ASDMantisymmetric dispersion-managed