

单词 steady state

steady state

steady state

n. Physics A stable condition that does not change over time or in which change in one direction is continually balanced by change in another.

steady state

n (General Physics) physics the condition of a system when some or all of the quantities describing it are independent of time but not necessarily in thermodynamic or chemical equilibrium. See also equilibrium6

stead·y state

(stĕd′ē) A stable condition that does not change over time or in which any one change is continually balanced by another.

Steady State

steady state

Physics the condition of a system when some or all of the quantities describing it are independent of time but not necessarily in thermodynamic or chemical equilibrium

Steady State


(in some contexts, stationary state), in physics, a state of a physical system in which some quantities significant for characterizing the system (different quantities in different cases) do not vary with time. For example, the state of flow of a fluid is a steady state if the rate of motion and other characteristics remain invariant at each point in space. In quantum mechanics, a state in which the energy has a specific and time-invariant value is called a stationary state. (SeeOPEN SYSTEMS and PRIGOGINETHEOREM regarding steady states in thermodynamics.) The state of a system is quasi-stationary (in thermodynamics, quasi-static) if those quantities that, if constant, would make the state a steady state change slowly with time. Here, the relations between various properties of the system remain approximately the same as in a steady state.

Steady State


the state to which a mechanism or system returns after the occurrence of a transient produced by a perturbation or an initial deviation in the system’s coordinates.

Examples of steady states in linear systems include the rotation of an engine at some fixed rate with a constant load applied to the shaft, harmonic oscillations in an oscillatory circuit, and the operation of an automatic control system with constant perturbations and control inputs. The steady state of a dynamic system is characterized by having the forces acting on the system compensated by a corresponding counteraction. For example, the motion of a rotating mechanism is described by the equation Md = Mr, where Md is the driving torque and Mr is the resisting torque. For a body being heated, Qh = Qd, where Qh and Qd represent, respectively, the amount of heat absorbed by the body during heating and the amount dissipated to the environment. In an oscillatory circuit, Ws = Wh, where Ws and Wh are, respectively, the amount of energy supplied from a power source during one period of the oscillation and the amount evolved as heat in the resistance of the circuit.

steady state

[′sted·ē ′stāt] (physics) The condition of a body or system in which the conditions at each point do not change with time, that is after initial transients or fluctuations have disappeared.

steady state


 [stāt] condition or situation.alpha state the state of relaxation and peaceful awakefulness associated with prominent alpha brain wave activity.anxiety state the condition of experiencing undue anxiety, as in anxiety disorders.excited state the condition of a nucleus, atom, or molecule produced by the addition of energy to the system as the result of absorption of photons or of inelastic collisions with other particles or systems.ground state the condition of lowest energy of a nucleus, atom, or molecule.persistent vegetative state a condition of profound nonresponsiveness in the wakeful state caused by brain damage at whatever level and characterized by a nonfunctioning cerebral cortex, the absence of any discernible adaptive response to the external environment, akinesia, mutism, and inability to signal; the electroencephalogram may be isoelectric or show abnormal activity. Vegetative states raise ethical questions regarding appropriate care, use of resources, and allowing a patient to die.refractory state a condition of subnormal excitability of muscle and nerve following excitation.resting state the physiologic condition achieved by complete bed rest for at least 1 hour.steady state dynamic equilibrium.

stead·y state (ss, s),

1. any condition in which the formation or introduction of substances just keeps pace with their destruction or removal so that all volumes, concentrations, pressures, and flows remain constant; 2. in enzyme kinetics, conditions in which the rate of change in the concentration of any enzyme species (for example, free enzyme or the enzyme-substrate binary complex) is zero or much less than the rate of product formation. 3. a state obtained in moderate muscular exercise, when the removal of lactic acid by oxidation keeps pace with its production, the oxygen supply being adequate, and the muscles do not go into debt for oxygen; [The abbreviations s and ss often appear in subscript.]

stead·y state

(s) (sted'ē stāt) 1. A condition obtained in moderate muscular exercise when the removal of lactic acid by oxidation keeps pace with its production, the oxygen supply being adequate, and the muscles do not rely on energy from anaerobic sources. 2. Any condition in which the formation or introduction of substances just keeps pace with their destruction or removal so that all volumes, concentrations, pressures, and flows remain constant. 3. In enzyme kinetics, conditions such that the rate of change in the concentration of any enzyme species (e.g., free enzyme or the enzyme-substrate binary complex) is zero or much less than the rate of formation of product. Often subscript s or ss.

stead·y state

(s, ss) (sted'ē stāt) 1. A condition obtained in moderate muscular exercise when the removal of lactic acid by oxidation keeps pace with its production, the oxygen supply being adequate, and the muscles do not rely on energy from anaerobic sources. 2. Any condition in which the formation or introduction of substances just keeps pace with their destruction or removal so that all volumes, concentrations, pressures, and flows remain constant. 3. In enzyme kinetics, conditions such that the rate of change in the concentration of any enzyme species (e.g., free enzyme or the enzyme-substrate binary complex) is zero or much less than the rate of formation of product.

Steady state

Steady state

As an MBS pool ages, or four to six months after component mortgages have passed at least once the threshold for refinancing, the prepayment speed tends to stabilize within a fairly steady range.

Steady State

1. Describing an economy that is neither growing nor shrinking. While this is not technically a recession, a steady state economy is not generally considered desirable.

2. See: equilibrium.




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