Prospect Park

Prospect Park

Parks Directory of the United States / Urban Parks / New YorkAddress:95 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Size: 585 acres.
Location:Parkside and Ocean Avenues.
Facilities:Outdoor sports facilities, trails (for biking, running, andhorseback riding), Audubon Center, Prospect Park Zoo, 90-acre LongMeadow, Wollman Rink, and a 1912 carousel.
Activities:Ice skating, pedal boating, tennis, hiking, bird-watching,roller blading, bicycling, fishing, horseback riding, baseball,football, roadracing, soccer, volleyball.
Special Features:Designed by famed landscape architects Frederick LawOlmsted and Calvert Vaux. Attractions include the Grand Army Plaza,Brooklyn's only zoo, and outdoor concerts.

See other parks in New York.