Petr Anokhin
Anokhin, Petr Fedorovich
Born May 22 (June 6), 1891; died May 10,1922. Active participant in the struggle for the establishment of the Soviet regime in Olonets Province (now Karelian ASSR). Member of the Communist Party since 1908.
Anokhin was born in Petrozavodsk into the family of a worker and graduated from elementary school. He was often arrested for revolutionary activity. In June 1917 he became chairman of the railroad organization of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party (Bolshevik) in Petrozavodsk. He was chairman of the Olonets Province Executive Committee and a member of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) Province Committee from March 1918 to May 1921. In the summer of 1919, at the time of the battles against the interventionist forces in Karelia, he was chairman of the provincial Revolutionary Military Soviet and one of the organizers of the defense of Petrozavodsk. He was a member of the Far Eastern Bureau of the All-Union Communist Party Central Committee from 1921 to 1922. He served as a delegate to the Eighth through Tenth Party congresses and was elected to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. He was killed by White Guards near Chita.