Barber County

Barber County, Kansas

120 E Washington Ave
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
Phone: (620) 886-3961
Fax: (620) 886-5425

On the central-southern border of KS, southwest of Wichita; organized as Barbour County Feb 26, 1867 from Harper County; spelling changed Mar 1, 1883. Name Origin: As a memorial to Thomas W. Barber (?-1855), a Free State martyr, murdered near Lawrence, KS

Area (sq mi):: 1136.21 (land 1134.11; water 2.10) Population per square mile: 4.40
Population 2005: 4,958 State rank: 70 Population change: 2000-20005 -6.60%; 1990-2000 -9.70% Population 2000: 5,307 (White 96.20%; Black or African American 0.40%; Hispanic or Latino 2.00%; Asian 0.10%; Other 2.50%). Foreign born: 0.50%. Median age: 42.60
Income 2000: per capita $16,627; median household $33,407; Population below poverty level: 10.10% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $20,117-$24,644
Unemployment (2004): 3.70% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.40% Median travel time to work: 14.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 14.10%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Kansas.