Prostate Ultrasound

Prostate Ultrasound



A prostate ultrasound is a diagnostic test used to detect potential problems with a man's prostate. An ultrasound test uses very high frequency sound waves that are passed through the body. The pattern of reflected sound waves, or "echoes," shows the outline of the prostate. This test can show whether the prostate is enlarged, and whether an abnormal growth that might be cancer is present.


The prostate is a chestnut-shaped organ surrounding the beginning of the urethra in men. It produces a milky fluid that is part of the seminal fluid discharged during ejaculation. The prostate can become enlarged, particularly in men over age 50. Also, cancer of the prostate can develop, which tends to affect older men.During a physical examination, a doctor may perform a digital rectal examination. In this examination, the doctor uses a gloved and lubricated finger inserted in the rectum to feel for any abnormalities. If this examination shows that the prostate is enlarged or a hard lump is present, an ultrasound may be done. Another reason a doctor might perform an ultrasound is if a blood test shows abnormal levels of a substance called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Abnormal levels of PSA may indicate the presence of cancer.If there is a suspicious lump, the doctor will want to take a sample of some of the tissue (prostate biopsy) to test it to see whether it is in fact cancer. Doing an ultrasound first will show the doctor what part of the prostate should be taken as a sample. Ultrasound can also show whether cancerous tissue is still only within the prostate or whether it has begun to spread to other locations. If prostate cancer is present and the doctor decides to treat it with a surgical freezing procedure, ultrasound is used as an aid in the procedure.An ultrasound can reveal other types of prostate disease as well. For example, it can show if there is inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis). Sometimes it is used to learn why a man is unable to father children (infertility).


A prostate ultrasound study is generally not performed on men who have recently had surgery on their lower bowel. This is because the test requires placing an ultrasound probe about the size of a finger into the rectum.


Prostate ultrasound is generally done using a technique called the transrectal method. This procedure can be done in an outpatient clinic. The cylinder-shaped ultrasound probe is gently placed in the rectum as the patient lies on his left side with the knees bent. The probe is rocked back and forth to obtain images of the entire prostate. The procedure takes about 15-25 minutes to perform. After the test, the patient's doctor can be notified right away, and usually he or she will have a written report within 36 hours.


To prepare for a prostate ultrasound, an enema is taken two to four hours before the exam. The patient should not urinate for one hour before the test. If biopsies may be done, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic that usually is taken in four doses starting the night before the biopsy, the morning of the test, that evening, and the following morning.


There is some discomfort, but less than most patients expect. In fact, worrying ahead of time is usually the hardest part. Generally, the patient is allowed to leave after a radiologist or urologist has reviewed the results. There may be some mucus or a small amount of bleeding from the rectum after the ultrasound. Some patients notice a small amount of blood in the urine for up to two days after the test. Blood may also be present in the semen. As long as the amount of blood is small, there is no cause for concern.


There are no serious risks from a prostate ultrasound study. Infection is rare and probably is a result of biopsy rather than the sonogram itself. If the ultrasound probe is moved too vigorously, some bleeding may continue for a few days.

Normal results

Modern ultrasound techniques can display both the smooth-surfaced outer shell of the prostate and the core tissues surrounding the urethra. The entire volume of the prostate should be less than 20 milliliters, and its outline should appear as a smooth echoreflecting (echogenic) rim. Some irregularities within the substance of the gland and calcium deposits are normal findings.

Abnormal results

An enlarged prostate with dimmed echoes may indicate either prostatitis or benign enlargement of the gland, called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). A distinct lump of tissue more likely means cancer. Cancer also often appears as an irregular area within the gland that distorts the normal pattern of echoes. In either case, a biopsy should clarify the diagnosis.

Key terms

Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) — Benign prostatic hypertrophy is an enlargement of the prostate that is not cancerous. However, it may cause problems with urinating or other symptoms.Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) — A substance that often is produced by cancers of the prostate. It can be detected in a blood test.Urethra — The tube through which urine passes from the bladder and is excreted to outside the body.



Prostate Health Council, American Foundation for Urologic Disease. 1128 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201. 800-242-AFUD.