prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia

pros·tat·ic in·tra·ep·i·the·li·al ne·o·pla·si·a (PIN),

dysplastic changes involving glands and ducts of the prostate that may be a precursor of adenocarcinoma; low grade (PIN 1), mild dysplasia with cell crowding, variation in nuclear size and shape, and irregular cell spacing; high grade (PIN 2 and 3), moderate to severe dysplasia with cell crowding, nucleomegaly and nucleolomegaly, and irregular cell spacing.

pros·tat·ic in·tra·ep·i·the·li·al ne·o·pla·si·a

(PIN) (pros-tat'ik in-tra-ep'i-thē'lē-ăl nē'ō-plā'zē-ă) Dysplastic changes involving glands and ducts of the prostate that may be a precursor of adenocarcinoma; low grade (PIN 1), mild dysplasia with variation in nuclear size and shape and irregular cell spacing; high grade (PIN 2 and 3), moderate to severe dysplasia with nucleomegaly, nucleolomegaly, and irregular cell spacing.