Protected Natural Region
Protected Natural Region
an area whose use has been restricted for the purpose of preserving typical, unique, or particularly picturesque landscapes, as well as natural landmarks that are of scientific, educational, cultural, historical, or aesthetic interest. Protected natural regions are divided into a number of categories, which differ in terms of objectives, methods, and extent of protection. The primary categories in the USSR are the preserve and the sanctuary. Other categories are extremely valuable or unique forests, resort areas, and green zones around cities.
Outside the USSR, the principal type of protected natural region is the national park. The legislative or executive bodies of states and provinces set aside state or provincial parks. Natural parks, such as those in the Federal Republic of Germany and in Finland, are set aside for public recreation. They protect not only natural but also cultivated landscapes. Preserves, sanctuaries, and reservations are established in many countries by special nature preservation institutions. National centers for maintaining protected natural regions have been established in most developed countries; networks of such centers are expanding in developing countries as well.
Zapovedniki i natsional’nye parki mira. Moscow, 1969.United Nations List of National Parks and Equivalent Reserves. 2nd ed. Brussels, 1971.