释义 |
vul·pine V0154900 (vŭl′pīn′)adj.1. Of, resembling, or characteristic of a fox.2. Cunning; clever. [Latin vulpīnus, from vulpēs, fox; see wl̥p-ē- in Indo-European roots.]vulpine (ˈvʌlpaɪn) adj1. (Zoology) Also: vulpecular of, relating to, or resembling a fox2. possessing the characteristics often attributed to foxes; crafty, clever, etc[C17: from Latin vulpīnus foxlike, from vulpēs a fox]vul•pine (ˈvʌl paɪn, -pɪn) adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling a fox. 2. cunning or crafty. [1620–30; < Latin vulpīnus, derivative of vulp(ēs) fox] ThesaurusAdj. | 1. | vulpine - resembling or characteristic of a fox; "vulpine cunning"vulpecular | Translationsvulpine
vulpine of, relating to, or resembling a fox MedicalSeeFoxvulpine Related to vulpine: fox, RaphaSynonyms for vulpineadj resembling or characteristic of a foxSynonyms |