petrosal ganglion

in·fe·ri·or gan·gli·on of glos·so·pha·ryn·ge·al nerve

[TA] the inferior, more significant, of two sensory ganglions on the glossopharyngeal nerve immediately inferior to its exit from the jugular foramen. The unipolar neurons comprising the ganglia convey taste and general sensation from the posterior third of the tongue, but only general sensation from the fauces, soft palate, and oropharynx. Synonym(s): ganglion inferius nervi glossopharyngei [TA], Andersch ganglion, extracranial ganglia, ganglion extracraniale, petrosal ganglion, petrous ganglion

petrosal ganglion

The larger of the two sensory ganglia in the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX). The ganglion lies on the outer surface of the base of the skull in a groove in the petrous portion of the temporal bone just outside the jugular foramen. The petrosal ganglion contains cell bodies of unipolar neurons that receive taste and tactile sensation from the posterior third of the tongue and the oropharynx. Axons of these neurons follow the glossopharyngeal nerve into the hindbrain. Synonym: inferior ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerveSee also: ganglion