Apáczai Csere, Janos

Apáczai Csere, Janos


(also J. Apaczai Cseri, or J. Apacius). Born June 10, 1625; died Dec. 31, 1659. Hungarian pedagogue and philosopher.

Apáczai Csere’s chief works, the Hungarian Encyclopedia (1653) and Hungarian Logic (1654), contain the humanistic ideas of the Enlightenment. Apáczai Csere argued against scholasticism, propagated the teachings of Descartes, and accepted the system of Copernicus. In pedagogy, he was an adherent of J. A. Komensky (Comenius).


Válagatott pedagógiai müvei. Budapest, [1956].


Szinnyei, J. Magyar Irók, vol. 1. Budapest, 1891. Pages 200–201. (Includes a bibliography of Apáczai’s works.)
Bán, J. Apáczai Csere János. [Budapest], 1958.