Theft from employer

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Country: Canada
State: SaskatchewanHoping you can give me some advice! I was fired from my job on Nov.18/05. I admit I did take some money from the till and my employer found out! They reassured me that if I signed a confession they would not press charges and COULD not say anything about why I was dismissed! I applied for unemployment and I found out that they did tell them the reason and therefore cannot receive unemployment. I have also tried to apply for other jobs (in the same field) and I have a feeling that she disclosed that information to them also. Can you tell me if this is wrong to do so? I live in a small town so she is hurting me but doing this.


Based on what you say here, you could probably file suit against them (or at least threaten to do so) in small claims court or in regular court; filing in small claims court is easier and requires no could try to collect all of the costs and damages that you suffered due to their behavior... you can argue an agreement was reached in oder to resolve the issue and they violated the agreement---