protection order

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Country: United States of America
State: New Yorkthere has been an order of protection put in place in my friends case, not wanted but it was put there. Her case consist of Statutory Rape, but the sex was consensual on her part. she was wondering what the terms were for investigating the order of protection to see if they had talked. Can they do that and if they can how and why?


The police can investigate if they wish yes--


Country: United Kingdom
State: All States/Provincesmy fiancée is out on bail and cant come within 100 yards of me or our flat I find it really unfair there assumed that he had hurt me but he didn't.


Try speaking to the DA--they have the right to continue to pursue the case on their own (even if you don't want them to) but if they feel this was a one-time incident and will never happen again--they may drop it; they want to make sure no abuse is continuing once you two are back together--