Petrov, Valeri
Petrov, Valeri
(pen name; real name Valeri Nisim Mevo-rakh). Born Apr. 22, 1920, in Sofia. Bulgarian poet. Member of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1944.
Petrov graduated from the medical faculty of the University of Sofia. He participated in the antifascist liberation struggle of the Bulgarian people. Problems of antifascism play an important role in the collection Poems (1949) and the narrative poems Tom Thumb (1943) and On the Road (1943). Civic motifs permeate the collections of poems The Days We Live In (1952) and There, in the West (1954). The narrative poem In the Lovely Autumn (1960) and the collection The Rain Is Falling, the Sun Is Shining (1967) comment on the social and moral atmosphere of the second half of the 1950’s. Petrov is also the author of a number of screenplays. He received the Dimitrov Prize in 1962.
Poeziia. Sofia, 1973.In Russian translation:
Poemy. Moscow, 1965.
“Kogda tantsuiut rozy.” In the collection P’esy bolgarskikh pisatelei. Moscow, 1971.
Danchev, P. “Zrelostta na talanta.” In his book Estetika: Literaturna kritika. Sofia, 1965.V. I. ZLYDNEV