Sha Ting
Sha T’ing
(pen name of Yang T’ung-fang). Born 1905 in Anhsien, Szechwan Province. Chinese writer.
Sha Ting graduated from a teachers’ seminary in Chengtu. He became associated with the Chinese League of Left Writers. His collections of short stories, The Illegal Trip (1932), Mud Pies (1936), and Adversities (1937), are filled with protest against social injustice. During the Sino-Japanese War of 1937–45, Sha T’ing fought in combat with the Eighth People’s Army, an experience that he described in With the Army (1940) and The Extraordinary Campaign (1944). He depicted the struggle for existence in a remote rural area in the novels The Gold Prospectors (1943), Beasts at Bay (1945), and Coming Home (1948) and in various short stories. Sha T’ing edited the journal Ssuch’uan wenhsüeh.
In Russian translation:[Rasskazy.] In the collection Sovremennye kitaiskie novelty. Moscow, 1958.
[Rasskazy.] In the collection Rasskazy kitaiskikh pisateli, vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.