Acronym | Definition |
REI➣Recreational Equipment, Inc. |
REI➣Real Estate Investment |
REI➣Real Estate Investing |
REI➣Restricted Entry Interval (pesticides) |
REI➣Ricoh Electronics, Inc. (Tustin, CA) |
REI➣Real Estate Institute (various locations) |
REI➣Research and Educational Institute (various organizations) |
REI➣Recommended Exposure Index (camera feature) |
REI➣Renewable Energy Initiative |
REI➣Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility |
REI➣Reset Indication |
REI➣Remote Error Indicator |
REI➣Request for Expressions of Interest |
REI➣Reykjavik Energy Invest (Iceland) |
REI➣Rosendin Electric, Inc. (various locations) |
REI➣Real Economic Impact (tour; various locations) |
REI➣Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie (French: Foreign Infantry Regiment) |
REI➣Revue d'Economie Industrielle (French: Journal of Industrial Economics) |
REI➣Research, Evaluation and Information (various organizations) |
REI➣Reentry Interval |
REI➣Reliant Energy, Inc. |
REI➣Remote Error Indication |
REI➣Research Engineers International |
REI➣Ross Eye Institute (Buffalo, NY) |
REI➣Ripple Effects Interactive (Pittsburgh, PA) |
REI➣Recherche Exploratoire et Innovation (French: Exploratory Research and Innovation) |
REI➣Recursos Electrónicos de Información (Spanish) |
REI➣Real Estate Innovator |
REI➣Réseau Economie Internationale (French: International Economics Network; Canada) |
REI➣Radio España Independiente (Spanish: Radio Free Spain) |
REI➣Recognition Equipment Incorporated |
REI➣Request for Engineering Information |
REI➣Renewable Energy Island |
REI➣Rad Elec Inc. |
REI➣Rapid Enzymatic Indicator |
REI➣Rotating Equipment Initiative |
REI➣Recovered Energy Inc (Pocatello, ID) |
REI➣Research Equipment Incorporated |