


a multilayered mound with remains of settlements from the Bronze Age (second millennium B.C.) in Hungary, 12 km south of Szolnok. The archaeological excavations carried out here at various intervals since the 1870’s served as a basis for stratigraphic studies of Tószeg; these, in turn, made it possible to determine the different periods of the Bronze Age in what is now Hungary. Archaeologists who contributed to such studies were G. Childe, F. Tompa, and A. Mozsolics. It has been claimed that the Tószeg remains’ basic significance lies in their relationship to the development of archaeological cultures throughout Hungary; some researchers, however—such as I. Bóna and B. Hensel—have questioned this view, citing discrepancies between the various Tószeg layers and the stratigraphy of archaeological remains in western Hungary.


Mongait, A. L. Arkheologiia Zapadnoi Evropy: Bronzovyi i zheleznyi veka. Moscow, 1974.
Mozsolics, A. “Die Ausgrabungen in Tószeg im Jahre 1948.” Acta archaeologica, Budapest, 1952, vol. 2.