Pevchii Diak

Pevchii D’iak


(singing deacon), a singer at the court of the Russian tsars or in the church choir of the patriarch, a metropolitan, or other members of the hierarchy. The most famous of the church choirs were in Moscow: the Gosudarevy Pevchie D’iaki (the Tsar’s Singing Deacons) and the Patriarshie Pevchie D’iaki i Podd’iaki (the Patriarch’s Singing Deacons and Assistant Deacons). The tsar’s choir, whose members were laymen, was transformed by Peter I into a court choir and transferred from Moscow to St. Petersburg. After the abolition of the patriarchate in 1721, the patriarch’s choir was renamed the Khor Sinodal’nykh Pevchikh (Synod Choir).


Razumovskii, D. Patriarshie pevchie diaki i poddiaki i gosudarevy pevchie diaki. St. Petersburg, 1895.
Metallov, V. M. Sinodal’nye byvshie patriarshie pevchie, vols. 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1898-1901.