Solenopsis invicta

Solenopsis invicta

the red imported fire ant, a species imported from South America that has spread extensively within the southeastern U.S. where it has become a major pest of humans and animals; it readily stings humans, producing local swelling and pruritus with development of a pustule at the site of the sting and, in rare cases, it can cause anaphylactic shock with death from respiratory or cardiac arrest.
See also: Solenopsis richteri.
Synonym(s): red imported fire ant

So·le·nop·sis in·vic·ta

(sōl-ĕ-nop'sis in-vik'tă) The red fire ant, a species imported from South America that has spread extensively within the southeastern United States, where it has become a major pest of humans and animals; it readily stings humans, producing local swelling and pruritus with development of a pustule at the site of the sting and, in rare cases, can cause anaphylactic shock with death from respiratory or cardiac arrest.
See also: Solenopsis richteri
Synonym(s): red fire ant.

Solenopsis invicta

The red imported fire ant, introduced into the southern U.S. in the 1930s. Its bite can cause welts or, in some instances, generalized anaphylaxis. See: fire ant biteSee also: Solenopsis