Acronym | Definition |
PFD➣Personal Flotation Device |
PFD➣Primary Flight Display |
PFD➣Program for Faculty Development (McMaster University; Canada) |
PFD➣Public Facilities District (various locations) |
PFD➣Permanent Fund Dividend |
PFD➣Pelvic Floor Disorder |
PFD➣Prairie Farms Dairy (Carlinville, IL) |
PFD➣Pattern File Disk |
PFD➣Printout Format Definition |
PFD➣Prefast for Drivers |
PFD➣Product Function Definition |
PFD➣Proposal for Decision (public utility proposal) |
PFD➣Process Flow Diagram |
PFD➣Pfund (German: Pounds) |
PFD➣Prion-Forming Domain (proteins) |
PFD➣Power Flux Density (electrical engineering) |
PFD➣Phase Frequency Detector (electronics) |
PFD➣Primary Frontal Dune (flooding) |
PFD➣Proposed Final Draft |
PFD➣Probability of Failure on Demand |
PFD➣Pelvic Floor Dysfunction |
PFD➣Phoenix Fire Department (Phoenix, AZ) |
PFD➣Philadelphia Fire Department |
PFD➣Partners for Development (Silver Spring, MD) |
PFD➣Prepared For Dyeing |
PFD➣Parker Fire District (Parker, CO) |
PFD➣Public Forum Debate |
PFD➣Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia |
PFD➣Programmable Frequency Divider |
PFD➣Privolzhsky Federal District (Russia; aka Volga Region) |
PFD➣Present For Duty |
PFD➣Portland Fire Department |
PFD➣Personal, Fatigue and Delay |
PFD➣Physical Facilities Department |
PFD➣Physical Fitness Diagnostic (US Air Force ROTC) |
PFD➣Partnerships for Finance and Development |
PFD➣Partido Fuerza Democrática (Democratic Force Party, Costa Rica) |
PFD➣Phase Frequency Discriminator |
PFD➣Process Flow Design |
PFD➣Partial Fractions Decomposition (calculus) |
PFD➣Production, Fielding/Deployment |
PFD➣Preparation for Demonstration |
PFD➣Presidio Fire Department |
PFD➣Patron Fare Display |
PFD➣Pittsburgh Fire Department |
PFD➣Pseudoinflammatory Fundus Dystrophy |
PFD➣Passive Frequency Doubler |
PFD➣Penticton Fire Department |
PFD➣Probability-of-error Fault Detection |
PFD➣Promo-Femmes/Développement Sport (Burkina Faso) |
PFD➣Policy Formulation Division (DCAA) |
PFD➣Plug Flow with Dispersion (environmental science) |
PFD➣Plandome Fire Department (Plandome, NY) |
PFD➣Puyallup Fire Department (Washington) |
PFD➣Profit from Differences |
PFD➣Propellant Fill Drain Valve |