Salisbury, Rollin

Salisbury, Rollin (D.)

(1858–1922) geologist, geographer; born near Spring Prairie, Wis. A protégé of Professor Thomas Chamberlin while at Beloit (Wis.), he succeeded him in the geology department (1881–91) and assisted him at the U.S. Geological Survey. He followed Chamberlin to the University of Chicago, first as head of the geography department (1892–1919), and subsequently as head of the geology department; he also served as dean of the Ogden Graduate School of Science (1899–1922) where he was a demanding but enthusiastic mentor. A lucid writer, he comanaged the Journal of Geology (1893–1922) and cowrote Geology (3 vols. 1904–06). He specialized in glacial deposits, studying them in South America, the Arctic, and New Jersey.