Acronym | Definition |
PFE➣Pfizer, Inc. (stock symbol) |
PFE➣Programmer'S File Editor |
PFE➣Partnership for Education |
PFE➣Patient and Family Education (various organizations) |
PFE➣Potential Future Exposure (credit risk) |
PFE➣Partial Fraction Expansion |
PFE➣Premier Field Engineer (Microsoft) |
PFE➣Packet Forwarding Engine |
PFE➣Packet Forwarding Engine (Siber-Core Technologies) |
PFE➣Physical Fitness Exam (US Coast Guard) |
PFE➣Park Forest Elementary (State College, PA) |
PFE➣Pressurized Fluid Extraction |
PFE➣Pacific Far East (shipping) |
PFE➣Portable Fire Extinguisher |
PFE➣Public Financial Enterprise (various locations) |
PFE➣Power Feed Equipment (sea cabling) |
PFE➣Pacific Fruit Express Company |
PFE➣Promotion Fitness Examination |
PFE➣Pelvic Floor Exercise |
PFE➣Page Fault Error |
PFE➣Plate Frame Heat Exchanger |
PFE➣Please Find Enclosed |
PFE➣Proyecto Filosofía en Español (Spain) |
PFE➣Pulmonary Fat Embolism |
PFE➣Priests for Equality |
PFE➣Physical Foundations of Engineering |
PFE➣Purchaser Furnished Equipment |
PFE➣Pedal Feel Emulator |
PFE➣Professional Flight Engineer |
PFE➣Post Fire Evaluation |
PFE➣Pilot Flight Equipment |
PFE➣Proficiency Flight Evaluation (US Army) |
PFE➣Piani Funzionali di Emergenza |
PFE➣Plant Floor Event (computing) |
PFE➣Personal Fitness Evaluation |
PFE➣Plasma Fuel Engine (accelerator) |
PFE➣Pulse-Field Electrophoresis |
PFE➣Professional Field Engineer |
PFE➣Packet Filtering Engine |
PFE➣Planning for Employment (North York, Canada) |
PFE➣Percent Forecast Error (finance) |