

单词 tastelessness



T0056300 (tāst′lĭs)adj.1. Lacking flavor; insipid.2. Not having or showing good taste.
taste′less·ly adv.taste′less·ness n.
Noun1.tastelessness - the property of having no flavorflavorlessness, flavourlessness, savorlessness, savourlessnessunappetisingness, unappetizingness - the property of spoiling the appetite
2.tastelessness - inelegance indicated by a lack of good tasteinelegance - the quality of lacking refinement and good tastesleaze, tat, cheapness, tackiness - tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgarbrashness, flashiness, garishness, gaudiness, glitz, tawdriness, loudness, meretriciousness - tasteless showinesstastefulness - elegance indicated by good taste


(teist) verb1. to be aware of, or recognize, the flavour of something. I can taste ginger in this cake. 嘗到,感到 尝到,感到 2. to test or find out the flavour or quality of (food etc) by eating or drinking a little of it. Please taste this and tell me if it is too sweet. 嘗出...味道 尝出...味道3. to have a particular flavour or other quality that is noticed through the act of tasting. This milk tastes sour; The sauce tastes of garlic. 吃起來(有...味道) 吃起来(有...味道) 4. to eat (food) especially with enjoyment. I haven't tasted such a beautiful curry for ages. 領略到,品嘗到 领略到,品尝到 5. to experience. He tasted the delights of country life. 感受 感受 noun1. one of the five senses, the sense by which we are aware of flavour. one's sense of taste; bitter to the taste. 味道 味道2. the quality or flavour of anything that is known through this sense. This wine has an unusual taste. 味覺 味觉3. an act of tasting or a small quantity of food etc for tasting. Do have a taste of this cake! 嘗(一嘗) 尝(一尝) 4. a liking or preference. a taste for music; a queer taste in books; expensive tastes. 愛好 爱好5. the ability to judge what is suitable in behaviour, dress etc or what is fine and beautiful. She shows good taste in clothes; a man of taste; That joke was in good/bad taste. 鑑賞力 鉴赏力ˈtasteful adjective showing good judgement or taste. a tasteful flower arrangement. 有鑑賞力的,有審美力的 有良好判断力或鉴赏力的ˈtastefully adverb 雅緻地, 高雅地 雅致地,高雅地 ˈtastefulness noun 鑑賞力,雅緻 鉴赏力,雅致 ˈtasteless adjective1. lacking flavour. tasteless food. 乏味的,無味的 乏味的,无味的 2. showing a lack of good taste or judgement. tasteless behaviour. 無辨別力的 无辨别力的ˈtastelessly adverb 乏味地,無辨別地 无辨别地ˈtastelessness noun 乏味,無鑑別力 乏味,无鉴别力 -tasting having a (particular kind of) taste. a sweet-tasting liquid. (構成形容詞)表示「...滋味的」、「...風味的」 ...味的 ˈtasty adjective having a good, especially savoury, flavour. tasty food. 美味的 ; 可口的 美味的,可口的,鲜美的 ˈtastiness noun 美味 美味


Related to tastelessness: smart-alecky, bothering, ostentatiousness, multifold
  • noun

Synonyms for tastelessness

noun the property of having no flavor


  • flavorlessness
  • flavourlessness
  • savorlessness
  • savourlessness

Related Words

  • unappetisingness
  • unappetizingness

noun inelegance indicated by a lack of good taste

Related Words

  • inelegance
  • sleaze
  • tat
  • cheapness
  • tackiness
  • brashness
  • flashiness
  • garishness
  • gaudiness
  • glitz
  • tawdriness
  • loudness
  • meretriciousness


  • tastefulness




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