


a chemically stable material, obtained by pressing graphite powder saturated with phenol-formaldehyde resin. The density of the material labeled ATM-11 is 930 kg/m3, the tensile strength is 18–22 meganewtons per m2 (180–220 kg-force per cm2); Martens heat resistance is 150°C, the coefficient of thermal conductivity is 35–65 watts per (m • °K) (30–55 kilocalories per [m • hr • °C]). Antegmit can be easily machined; manufacturing of articles from antegmit is significantly simpler than from graphite. The main deficiency of antegmit is its low resistance to impact. Antegmit is mainly used in the preparation of heat exchangers and pipes for the chemical industry.


Sagalaev, G. V. Antegmit i ego primenenie. Moscow, 1959.
Klinov, I. Ia., and A. N. Levin. Plastmassy v khimicheskom machinostroenii. Moscow, 1963.