Acronym | Definition |
AFI➣American Film Institute |
AFI➣Awaiting Further Instructions |
AFI➣A Fire Inside (band) |
AFI➣Air Force Instruction |
AFI➣Australian Film Institute |
AFI➣Alianza Para la Familia Integral (Spanish: Alliance for the Integral Family) |
AFI➣Agencia Federal de Investigacion (Mexico) |
AFI➣Akademi Fantasi Indosiar (Indonesian reality TV) |
AFI➣Agencia Federal de Investigación (Spanish) |
AFI➣Air France Industries |
AFI➣Agence Française Informatique (French: French Information Agency) |
AFI➣Air Force of India |
AFI➣Address Family Identifier |
AFI➣Armed Forces Insurance |
AFI➣Amniotic Fluid Index |
AFI➣Assets for Independence (Washington, DC) |
AFI➣American Fiberbodies International |
AFI➣Authority and Format Identifier |
AFI➣American Fitness Index |
AFI➣Arla Foods Ingredients |
AFI➣American Family Insurance |
AFI➣Adjusted for Inflation |
AFI➣A Friend Indeed |
AFI➣Asking for It (gaming clan) |
AFI➣Asking for It (band) |
AFI➣Air Force Installation |
AFI➣Association of Food Industries (Neptune, New Jersey) |
AFI➣Adult Film Industry |
AFI➣Art Fairs International |
AFI➣Année Francophone Internationale (French: International Francophone Year) |
AFI➣Application Family Identifier |
AFI➣Applied Finance and Investment (graduate studies) |
AFI➣Alternative Financial Institution |
AFI➣Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (International Phonetic Association) |
AFI➣Aquarium Fish International (monthly magazine) |
AFI➣Available For Inspection |
AFI➣Approved Financial Institution |
AFI➣Advanced Flight Instructor (aviation) |
AFI➣Authority and Format Indicator |
AFI➣Area for Improvement |
AFI➣Authority & Format Identifier |
AFI➣Accountancy, Finance & Insurance |
AFI➣American Football in Israel |
AFI➣Associazione Farmaceutici dell'Industria |
AFI➣Accredited Financial Institution |
AFI➣American Firearms Industry |
AFI➣Aquatic Fitness Instructor |
AFI➣Australian Foundry Institute |
AFI➣Authority Frame Identifier |
AFI➣Asociación Fonética Internacional |
AFI➣Aruba Florin (currency) |
AFI➣Anthems for Insubordinates (band) |
AFI➣Allied Forces Italy |
AFI➣Ah, Forget It (polite form) |
AFI➣Alan Franken, Inc. |
AFI➣American Forest Institute |
AFI➣Abstract Functional Interface |
AFI➣Air Filter Institute |
AFI➣Air Forces Iceland |
AFI➣Australian Financial Institution (classification; Income Tax Assessment Act of 1936; Australia) |
AFI➣AppleTalk Filing Interface |
AFI➣Affinity Index (advertising) |
AFI➣Automatic Fault Isolation |
AFI➣Always False Instruction (programmable logic controllers) |
AFI➣Al-Risala Forum International |
AFI➣African Indian Ocean Geographic Region |
AFI➣After Flight Inspection |
AFI➣Apostles Fellowship International (Christian organization) |
AFI➣Anglicans Friends of Israel |
AFI➣Advantest Finance, Inc. (Japan) |
AFI➣Africa Flight Information (region) |
AFI➣American Fidelity, Inc. |
AFI➣Advanced Financial Integrator |
AFI➣Affordable Fuel Injection (Elsie, MI) |
AFI➣Asahi Fiber Industry (est. 1949; Japan) |
AFI➣Air-to-Fuel Influence |
AFI➣Aircraft Friction Index (braking) |
AFI➣American Forces Italy |
AFI➣Average Failure Intensity |
AFI➣Athens Furniture Industries, Inc (Athens, Tennessee) |
AFI➣Adviser Fund Index (UK) |
AFI➣Applied Futures Inc. |