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biospectrometry bi·o·spec·trom·e·try (bī'ō-spek-trom'ĕ-trē), Spectroscopic determination of the types and amounts of various substances in living tissue or fluid from a living body. Synonym(s): clinical spectrometry [bio- + L. spectrum, an image, + G. metron, measure] biospectrometry (bī′ō-spĕk-trŏm′ĭ-trē)n. The spectroscopic determination of the types and amounts of various substances in living tissue or body fluids.bi·o·spec·trom·e·try (bī'ō-spek-trom'ĕ-trē) Spectroscopic determination of the types and amounts of various substances in living tissue or fluid from a living body. [bio- + L. spectrum, an image, + G. metron, measure]biospectrometry (bī″ō-spĕk-trŏm′ĕ-trē) [″ + L. spectrum, image, + Gr. metron, measure] Use of a spectroscope to determine the amounts and kinds of substances in tissues. |