PFRPetition for Review
PFRProfessional and Financial Regulation
PFRPersonal Financial Representative
PFRProcess Flow Representation
PFRPray for Rain
PFRPhase Failure Relay
PFRPlug Flow Reactor
PFRPork Fried Rice
PFRPortable Font Resource
PFRPelvic Floor Repair
PFRPre Flop Raise (poker)
PFRPresbyterians for Renewal (Louisville, KY)
PFRPrime de Fonction et de Résultat (French: Prime Function and Outcome)
PFRPurchase for Resale (sales classification)
PFRPartners for Recovery
PFRPublic Finance Review
PFRPulse Repetition Frequency
PFRPartnerships for Renewables
PFRPokemon Fire Red
PFRPhoebe Freeport Republic (gaming)
PFRPole Fishing Rod
PFRPassive Fascia Restoration (massage; various companies)
PFRPortable Foot Restraint
PFRPower-Fail Restart
PFRPhenol-Formaldehyde Resin
PFRPost Flight Report (aviation)
PFRProfessional Fundraiser
PFRPublic Fishing Rights (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation)
PFRPacific Forest Rally
PFRPetition for Reconsideration
PFRPlant Fossil Record
PFRPay for Results
PFRPlanning for Results
PFRPlane Fax Report (aircraft history report)
PFRPromoting First Relationships (child development program)
PFRPro Fantasy Rodeo
PFRProject Feasibility Report
PFRPhytochrome Far-Red
PFRPhysicians' Fee Reference (Wasserman Medical Publishers, LTD)
PFRPlasma Frag Rocket (gaming, Halo)
PFRPeak Urinary Flow Rate
PFRPersistent Free Radical
PFRParallax Financial Research (Redmond, WA)
PFRPrimary Flight Reference
PFRPhysical Facilities Representative
PFRProblem Fault Report
PFRPower Failure Recovery
PFRPersonnel Financial Record
PFRPlant Facilities Report
PFRProgram Financial Review
PFRProgrammable Frequency Receiver
PFRPlatform Facility Requirement
PFRPlanning, Finance & Research
PFRPrime Focal Ratio
PFRPerformance Feedback Report
PFRPrelude, Fugue and Riffs
PFRPower Failure Restart
PFRPleads for Reads (Southington, CT)
PFRPrimary Fundamental Right
PFRPretty Freakin' Random (YouTube group)
PFRprueba de función respiratoria (Spanish: Respiratory Function Tests)