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DictionarySeeSalmonella enteritidisSalmonella enterica
Sal·mo·nel·la enterica subsp. en·ter·it·i·disa widely distributed bacterial species that occurs in humans and in domestic and wild animals, especially rodents; it causes human gastroenteritis. Sal·mo·nel·la enterica subsp. pa·ra·ty·phi Aa bacterial species that is an important etiologic agent of enteric fever in developing countries. Sal·mo·nel·la enterica subsp. paratyphi B(formerly known as Salmonella schottmülleri), consists of two distinct types of strains, those that produce enteric fever, found primarily in humans, and those producing gastroenteritis in humans, also found in animal species. This species includes 56 strains distinguishable by phage typing and/or biotyping, features of epidemiologic value. Sal·mo·nel·la enterica subsp. ty·phi·mu·ri·uma bacterial species causing food poisoning in humans; it is a natural pathogen of all warm-blooded animals and is also found in snakes and pet turtles; worldwide, it is the most frequent cause of gastroenteritis due to Salmonella enterica species. Sal·mo·nel·la enterica subsp. chol·er·ae·su·isa bacterial species that occurs in pigs, where it is an important secondary invader in the viral disease hog cholera, but it does not occur as a natural pathogen in other animals; occasionally causes acute gastroenteritis and enteric fever in humans; it is the type species of the genus Salmonella. |