protest about (someone or something)

protest about (someone or something)

1. To complain about, object to, or vocally disapprove of someone or something. The kids wouldn't stop protesting about going on a camping trip instead of going to Disney Land. I heard that someone has been protesting about me to upper management.2. To join or participate in a public demonstration or rally in opposition to someone or something. Nearly 40,000 marchers descended on the capitol building protesting about the government's new law. A large group of students are protesting about the new university president.See also: protest

protest about someone or something

 and protest against someone or something 1. to complain about someone or something. Valerie is always protesting about some problem at work. She filed a complaint that protested against her supervisor. 2. to rally or demonstrate against someone or something. A number of people protested about the war. They were mainly protesting against the draft.See also: protest