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pro·thon·o·tar·y (prō-thŏn′ə-tĕr′ē, prō′thə-nō′tə-rē) also pro·ton·o·tar·y (prō-tŏn′ə-tĕr′ē, prō′tə-nō′tə-rē)n. pl. pro·thon·o·tar·ies also pro·ton·o·tar·ies The principal clerk in certain courts of law. [Middle English prothonotarie, from Medieval Latin prōthonotārius, from Late Latin prōtonotārius : Greek prōto-, proto- + Latin notārius, secretary (from nota, mark; see gnō- in Indo-European roots).] pro·thon′o·tar′i·al (prō-thŏn′ə-târ′ē-əl, prō′thə-nō-târ′-) adj.prothonotary (ˌprəʊθəˈnəʊtərɪ; -trɪ; prəʊˈθɒnə-) or protonotaryn, pl -taries (Law) (formerly) a chief clerk in certain law courts[C15: from Medieval Latin prōthonotārius, from prōtho- proto- + Late Latin notārius notary] prothonotarial, proˌtonoˈtarial adjpro•thon•o•tar•y (proʊˈθɒn əˌtɛr i, ˌproʊ θəˈnoʊ tə ri) also protonotary n., pl. -tar•ies. 1. a chief clerk in certain courts of law. 2. Rom. Cath. Ch. a. one of a body of officials in the papal curia assigned solemn clerical duties. b. an honorary title for certain other prelates. [1400–50; < Medieval Latin prōthonotārius, Late Latin prōtonotārius < Greek prōtonotarios. See proto-, notary] pro•thon`o•tar′i•al (-ˈtɛər i əl) adj.
ProthonotaryenUK Related to Prothonotary: prothonotary warblerProthonotaryA title given to the principal clerk of a court. PROTHONOTARY. The title given to an officer who officiates as principal clerk of some courts. Vin Ab. h.t. 2. In the ecclesiastical law, the name of prothonotary is given to an officer of the court of Rome, he is so called because he is the first notary; the Greek word prootos signifying primus or first. These notaries have preeminence over the other notaries, and, are put in the rank of prelates. There are twelve of them. Dict. de Jur. h.t. |