Acronym | Definition |
TIR➣Total Internal Reflection |
TIR➣Thermal Infrared (ASPRS) |
TIR➣Total Immersion Racing (game) |
TIR➣Tasa Interna de Retorno (Spanish: Internal rate of return) |
TIR➣Thermal Infra Red |
TIR➣Toll-Interleukin 1 Receptor |
TIR➣Traumatic Incident Reduction |
TIR➣Technical Information Release (IRS) |
TIR➣Total Indicator Reading |
TIR➣Technical Information Report |
TIR➣Termite Inspection Report |
TIR➣Total Indicated Runout |
TIR➣Titre d'Identité Républicain (French: Republican Identity Title) |
TIR➣Total Indicator Runout |
TIR➣Terminal Inverted Repeat |
TIR➣Test Incident Report |
TIR➣Translation Initiation Region |
TIR➣Transit International Routier |
TIR➣Total Item Record |
TIR➣Transport International de Marchandises par Route (French: international cariage of goods by rail) |
TIR➣Transport International par la Route (French) |
TIR➣Time in Rate (pay grade) |
TIR➣Total Internal Refraction |
TIR➣Texas Independence Relay |
TIR➣Tender Information Request (Australia) |
TIR➣Theories of International Relations (university course) |
TIR➣Target Illuminating Radar |
TIR➣Terminal Imaging Radar |
TIR➣Transport International de Marchandises par la Route |
TIR➣The Internet Ramp (Michigan ISP) |
TIR➣Target Indication Room (US Navy) |
TIR➣Transport Internationaux Routiers |
TIR➣Type Inspection Report |
TIR➣Target Impulse Response |
TIR➣Trailer Interchange Receipt |
TIR➣True Image Recovery (Veritas Netbackup) |
TIR➣The Inspiration Room (website) |
TIR➣Test Inspection Report |
TIR➣Technology Insertion Recapitalization |
TIR➣Tactical Intelligence, Reconnaissance |
TIR➣Technical Interface Requirement |
TIR➣Technical Interoperability Requirement |
TIR➣Technical Interface Recertification |
TIR➣Team Impulse Racing |
TIR➣Total Incidents Recorded (safety statistics) |
TIR➣Target Individual Risk |
TIR➣Trainee Integrated Ratings |
TIR➣Tie in Requirements |
TIR➣Technical Infrastructure Requirements |
TIR➣Test-In Reliability |
TIR➣Trouble Incident Report |
TIR➣Transaction Item Record/Report |
TIR➣Trip Indication Relay (circuitry) |
TIR➣Terrorist Incident Report (US Army) |