释义 |
PG-13 (pē′jē′thûr-tēn′) A trademark for a movie rating indicating that admission will be granted to persons of all ages but that parental guidance is suggested in the case of children under the age of 13.PG parental guidance: a motion-picture rating advising parents that some material in the film may be unsuitable for children. Compare G (def. 2), NC-17, PG-13, R (def. 4), X (def. 7). [1965–70, Amer.] PG-13 (ˈpiˈdʒiˌθɜrˈtin) a motion-picture rating advising parents that some material in the film may be unsuitable for children under the age of 13. Compare G (def. 2), NC-17, PG, R (def. 4), X (def. 7). Pg. 1. Portugal. 2. Also, PgPortuguese. pg. page. P.G. 1. Past Grand. 2. paying guest. Translations EncyclopediaSeepgFinancialSeePGPG-13
Acronym | Definition |
PG-13➣Parental Guidance suggested if under 13 years of age (movie rating) |