

单词 pga



abbr. Professional Golfers' Association


abbreviation for (Golf) Professional Golfers' Association


or P.G.A.,

Professional Golfers' Association.



(biochemistry) folic acid


(graphics, specification)Professional Graphics Adapter.


(hardware)Pin Grid Array.


(1) (Professional Graphics Adapter) An early IBM PC display standard for 3D processing with 640x480x256 resolution. It was not widely used. See CGA, EGA and VGA.

(2) (Programmable Gate Array) See gate array and FPGA.

(3) (Pin Grid Array) A square chip package with a high density of pins (200 pins can fit in 1.5" square), enabling it to support a large amount of I/O. PGAs are typically ceramic (CPGA), but plastic cases are also used (PPGA). The underside of a PGA package looks like a "bed of nails." In a staggered PGA (SPGA), the pins do not line up in perfect rows and columns. See ZIF socket.

Pin Grid Array
The bottoms of PGA packages look like beds of nails.



, PGBPGCPGDAbbreviations, with numeric subscripts according to structure, often used for prostaglandins. Letters A, B, and so on, indicate the nature of the cyclopentane ring (substituents, double bonds, orientation); numeric subscripts indicate the number of double bonds in the alkyl chains.

Patient discussion about PGA

Q. My boy has diabetes. Recently he was diagnosed with vitiligo. What is it and what can be the reason for this? My boy has diabetes. recently he was diagnosed with vitiligo. Our doctor said that he hopes it not a polyglandular autoimmune syndrome. what is vitiligo and what does this big phrase (polyglandular autoimmune syndrome) mean? A. Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder and the major cause of vitiligo is the autoimmunity. Some internal factor cause the destruction of melanocytes cell which produce the melanin a substance responsible for the coloration of skin. this lack of melanin infect results in white patch on skin of hypo pigmentation.
Normally vitiligo is not related with other disease like diabetes. However a little inheritance may include in the occurence of vitiligo.

More discussions about PGA


PGAProfessional Golfers' Association of America (since 1916; Palm Beach Gardens, Florida)
PGAPin Grid Array
PGAProducers Guild of America
PGAPå Grund Af (Danish: Because Of)
PGAPress Ganey Associates (South Bend, IN)
PGAPortugalia Airlines (Portugal)
PGAPlay Golf America
PGAProgrammable Gain Amplifier
PGAPortugália Airlines
PGAPolyglycolic Acid
PGAPromotional Gift Award (competition)
PGAProgram Global Area (Oracle)
PGAPeak Ground Acceleration (seismology)
PGAProgram Global Area
PGAPartner Government Agency
PGAPhysician's Global Assessment (score)
PGAProgrammable Gate Array
PGAPrison Governors' Association (est. 1987; UK)
PGAPurchased Gas Adjustment
PGAPeoples' Global Action
PGAParliamentarians for Global Action
PGAPlaces to Grow Act (Canada)
PGAParticipating Government Agency
PGAPaul G Allen
PGAProfessional Graphics Adapter
PGAParts, Garments and Accessories (Polaris)
PGAPropylene Glycol Alginate
PGAPolyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome
PGAPlanned Giving Advisory (various organizations)
PGAPlease Go Away
PGAParamount's Great America
PGAPure Grain Alcohol
PGAPharmacy Guild of Australia
PGAPublishing Group of America
PGAPrograms for Genomic Applications (NHLBI)
PGAPage, AZ, USA (Airport Code)
PGAPotato Growers of Alberta
PGAProstaglandin Analog (aka Prostaglandin Analogue; molecule)
PGAPlanetary Gemologists Association
PGAPhase Gradient Autofocus (algorithm)
PGAPower Generating Assembly
PGAPersonnel Group of America, Inc. (stock symbol)
PGAPolicy and Global Affairs Division (The National Academies)
PGAPotato Growers Association
PGAPressure Garment Assembly (space program)
PGAPastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia
PGAProfit Gap Analysis (finance)
PGAPrivate Global Area (Oracle)
PGAPrecision Guided Airdrop (US Airforce)
PGAPier Glass Aviation
PGAPulsar Group of Australia (motoring enthusiasts)
PGAPlatteville Gaming Association
PGAPower Grid Array
PGAPeter Gerstmann Associates (UK)
PGAPteroylgutamic Acid - Folic Acid
PGAPerson Generating Adjustment




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