Acronym | Definition |
PGC➣Pennsylvania Game Commission |
PGC➣Plan General de Contabilidad (Spanish) |
PGC➣Program Chain (DVD standards) |
PGC➣Psychiatric Genomics Consortium |
PGC➣Paul Gauguin Cruises (Bellevue, WA) |
PGC➣Promotion Graphics Council |
PGC➣Program Chain |
PGC➣Pseudo Gray Coding |
PGC➣Professional Graphics Card |
PGC➣Power Grid Corporation (India) |
PGC➣Prince George's County (Maryland) |
PGC➣Primordial Germ Cells (embryology) |
PGC➣Plant Growth Chamber |
PGC➣Public Governance Committee (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) |
PGC➣Potassium Gold Cyanide |
PGC➣Process Gas Chromatography |
PGC➣Plan Général de Coordination (French: General Coordination Plan) |
PGC➣Post Graduate Certificate |
PGC➣Protecting God's Children |
PGC➣Public Grievances Commission (India) |
PGC➣Produits de Grande Consommation (French: consumer products) |
PGC➣Persian Gulf Command (est. 1943) |
PGC➣Point Guard College (Sugar Land, TX) |
PGC➣Playwrights Guild of Canada (formerly Playwrights Union of Canada) |
PGC➣Public Gas Corporation |
PGC➣Professional Graphics Controller |
PGC➣Plantation Golf Club (various locations) |
PGC➣Process Gas Consumers Group |
PGC➣Poplar Golf Course (San Mateo, CA) |
PGC➣Postgraduate Conference |
PGC➣Plant Genome Center (Japan) |
PGC➣Principal Galaxies Catalogue |
PGC➣Privacy Guidelines Committee (US FEMA) |
PGC➣Planned Giving Council (various organizations) |
PGC➣Peer Group Consulting (Round Rock, TX) |
PGC➣Pat Graney Company (dance; Seattle, WA) |
PGC➣Partido de Gran Canaria |
PGC➣Purchased Gas Charge |
PGC➣Process Gas Compressor |
PGC➣Petersburg, West Virginia (airport code) |
PGC➣Planet Game Cube (website) |
PGC➣Parnell Gentlemen's Club |
PGC➣Program Generation Center |
PGC➣Penn Glee Club (University of Pennsylvania) |
PGC➣ (gaming portal/club; Philippines) |
PGC➣Procurement Group Code |
PGC➣Provisional Governing Council (Iraq) |
PGC➣Policy Guidance Council |
PGC➣Pandanusa Golf Club (Malaysia) |
PGC➣Port Group Controller (Telabs) |
PGC➣Philippine Gaming Community |
PGC➣PC Gamers Club |
PGC➣Pre Game Chat (gaming) |
PGC➣Policia General de Trafico (Spanish: General Traffic Police) |
PGC➣Pasadena Gun Center (Pasadena, TX) |