Shebuev, Vasilii Kozmich

Shebuev, Vasilii Koz’mich


Born Apr. 2 (13), 1777, in Kronstadt; died June 16 (28), 1855, in St. Petersburg. Russian painter.

Shebuev studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts with I. A. Akimov and G. I. Ugriumov from 1782 to 1797. He received a stipend from the academy to study in Rome from 1803 to 1807. He taught at the academy in 1807, becoming a professor in 1812 and rector in 1832. Shebuev was one of the leading masters of late classicism and academism. His works, which were mainly on historical and religious subjects, are noted for strict academicism of line, skillful composition of many-figured scenes, and an interest in national history. Examples of his work are The Feat of the Merchant Igolkin (1839, Russian Museum, Leningrad) and a ceiling in the meeting hall of the Council Building at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1833). Some of his works reflect romantic and realistic trends, including Fortunetelling: Self-portrait (1805, Tret’iakov Gallery) and Portrait of the Retired Official Shvykin (1833, Russian Museum).