

单词 articulate



A0445400 (är-tĭk′yə-lĭt)adj.1. Composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words: articulate speech.2. Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language: an articulate speaker.3. Characterized by the use of clear, expressive language: an articulate essay.4. Having the power of speech.5. Biology Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.v. (-lāt′) ar·tic·u·lat·ed, ar·tic·u·lat·ing, ar·tic·u·lates v.tr.1. To pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate.2. To utter (a speech sound) by making the necessary movements of the speech organs.3. To express in coherent verbal form: couldn't articulate my fears.4. To fit together into a coherent whole; unify: a plan to articulate nursing programs throughout the state.5. To convert (a student's credits at one school) to credits at another school by comparing the curricula.6. Biology To unite by forming a joint or joints.7. Architecture To give visible or concrete expression to (the composition of structural elements): a spare design in which windows and doors are barely articulated.v.intr.1. To speak clearly and distinctly.2. To utter a speech sound.3. Biology To form a joint; be jointed: The thighbone articulates with the bones of the hip.
[Latin articulātus, past participle of articulāre, to divide into joints, utter distinctly, from articulus, small joint; see article.]
ar·tic′u·late·ly adv.ar·tic′u·late·ness, ar·tic′u·la·cy (-lə-sē) n.


adj 1. able to express oneself fluently and coherently: an articulate lecturer. 2. having the power of speech 3. distinct, clear, or definite; well-constructed: an articulate voice; an articulate document. 4. (Zoology) zoology (of arthropods and higher vertebrates) possessing joints or jointed segments vb 5. to speak or enunciate (words, syllables, etc) clearly and distinctly 6. (tr) to express coherently in words 7. (Zoology) (intr) zoology to be jointed or form a joint 8. (tr) to separate into jointed segments [C16: from Latin articulāre to divide into joints; see article] arˈticulately adv arˈticulateness, arˈticulacy n


(adj. ɑrˈtɪk yə lɪt; v. -ˌleɪt)

adj., v. -lat•ed, -lat•ing. adj. 1. uttered clearly in distinct syllables. 2. capable of speech. 3. using language easily and fluently. 4. expressed or presented with clarity and effectiveness. 5. clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts: an articulate shape. 6. organized into a coherent whole: an articulate system of philosophy. 7. having joints, segments, or articulations. v.t. 8. to pronounce clearly and distinctly. 9. to make the movements and adjustments of the speech organs necessary to utter (a speech sound). 10. to give clarity or coherence to: to articulate an idea. 11. to unite by a joint or joints. v.i. 12. to pronounce clearly each of a succession of speech sounds, syllables, or words. 13. to articulate a speech sound. 14. to form a joint. [1545–55; < Latin articulātus, past participle of articulāre to divide into distinct parts. See article, -ate1] ar•tic′u•late•ly, adv. ar•tic′u•late•ness, ar•tic′u•la•cy (-lə si) n. ar•tic′u•la`tive (-ˌleɪ tɪv, -lə tɪv) adj. ar•tic′u•la`tor, n. syn: See eloquent.


Past participle: articulated
Gerund: articulating
I articulate
you articulate
he/she/it articulates
we articulate
you articulate
they articulate
I articulated
you articulated
he/she/it articulated
we articulated
you articulated
they articulated
Present Continuous
I am articulating
you are articulating
he/she/it is articulating
we are articulating
you are articulating
they are articulating
Present Perfect
I have articulated
you have articulated
he/she/it has articulated
we have articulated
you have articulated
they have articulated
Past Continuous
I was articulating
you were articulating
he/she/it was articulating
we were articulating
you were articulating
they were articulating
Past Perfect
I had articulated
you had articulated
he/she/it had articulated
we had articulated
you had articulated
they had articulated
I will articulate
you will articulate
he/she/it will articulate
we will articulate
you will articulate
they will articulate
Future Perfect
I will have articulated
you will have articulated
he/she/it will have articulated
we will have articulated
you will have articulated
they will have articulated
Future Continuous
I will be articulating
you will be articulating
he/she/it will be articulating
we will be articulating
you will be articulating
they will be articulating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been articulating
you have been articulating
he/she/it has been articulating
we have been articulating
you have been articulating
they have been articulating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been articulating
you will have been articulating
he/she/it will have been articulating
we will have been articulating
you will have been articulating
they will have been articulating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been articulating
you had been articulating
he/she/it had been articulating
we had been articulating
you had been articulating
they had been articulating
I would articulate
you would articulate
he/she/it would articulate
we would articulate
you would articulate
they would articulate
Past Conditional
I would have articulated
you would have articulated
he/she/it would have articulated
we would have articulated
you would have articulated
they would have articulated
Verb1.articulate - provide with a jointarticulate - provide with a joint; "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood"jointcarpentry, woodworking, woodwork - the craft of a carpenter: making things out of woodfurnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
2.articulate - put into words or an expressionarticulate - put into words or an expression; "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees"give voice, phrase, word, formulateask - direct or put; seek an answer to; "ask a question"evince, express, show - give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"lexicalise, lexicalize - make or coin into a word or accept a new word into the lexicon of a language; "The concept expressed by German `Gemuetlichkeit' is not lexicalized in English"dogmatise, dogmatize - state as a dogmaformularise, formularize - express as a formulacouch, redact, put, frame, cast - formulate in a particular style or language; "I wouldn't put it that way"; "She cast her request in very polite language"
3.articulate - speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"enounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out, saytwang - pronounce with a nasal twangdevoice - utter with tense vocal chordsraise - pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth; "raise your `o'"lilt - articulate in a very careful and rhythmic waypalatalise, palatalize - pronounce a consonant with the tongue against the palatenasalise, nasalize - pronounce with a lowered velum; "She nasalizes all her vowels"nasalise, nasalize - speak nasally or through the nose; "In this part of the country, people tend to nasalize"mispronounce, misspeak - pronounce a word incorrectly; "She mispronounces many Latinate words"aspirate - pronounce with aspiration; of stop soundsvocalize, voice, vocalise, sound - utter with vibrating vocal chordsretroflex - articulate (a consonant) with the tongue curled back against the palate; "Indian accents can be characterized by the fact that speakers retroflex their consonants"subvocalise, subvocalize - articulate without making audible sounds; "she was reading to herself and merely subvocalized"syllabise, syllabize - utter with distinct articulation of each syllable; "The poet syllabized the verses he read"drawl - lengthen and slow down or draw out; "drawl one's vowels"labialise, labialize, round - pronounce with rounded lipslisp - speak with a lispaccent, accentuate, stress - put stress on; utter with an accent; "In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word"vowelise, vowelize, vocalise, vocalize - pronounce as a vowel; "between two consonants, this liquid is vowelized"click - produce a click; "Xhosa speakers click"trill - pronounce with a trill, of the phoneme `r'; "Some speakers trill their r's"sibilate - pronounce with an initial sibilantflap - pronounce with a flap, of alveolar soundsexplode - cause to burst as a result of air pressure; of stop consonants like /p/, /t/, and /k/roll - pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/; "She rolls her r's"
4.articulate - unite by forming a joint or joints; "the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones"link up, connect, link, unite, join - be or become joined or united or linked; "The two streets connect to become a highway"; "Our paths joined"; "The travelers linked up again at the airport"
5.articulate - express or state clearlyarticulate - express or state clearly enunciate, vocalise, vocalizesay, state, tell - express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name"
Adj.1.articulate - expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive languagearticulate - expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language; "articulate speech"; "an articulate orator"; "articulate beings"communicatory, communicative - able or tending to communicate; "was a communicative person and quickly told all she knew"- W.M.Thackerayspoken - uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech; sometimes used in combination; "a spoken message"; "the spoken language"; "a soft-spoken person"; "sharp-spoken"inarticulate, unarticulate - without or deprived of the use of speech or words; "inarticulate beasts"; "remained stupidly inarticulate and saying something noncommittal"; "inarticulate with rage"; "an inarticulate cry"
2.articulate - consisting of segments held together by jointsarticulate - consisting of segments held together by jointsarticulated


adjective1. expressive, clear, effective, vocal, meaningful, understandable, coherent, persuasive, fluent, eloquent, lucid, comprehensible, communicative, intelligible She is an articulate young woman.
expressive halting, silent, unclear, dumb, mute, faltering, mumbled, stammering, hesitant, incomprehensible, stuttering, unintelligible, speechless, incoherent, tongue-tied, indistinct, voiceless, poorly-spoken
verb1. express, say, tell, state, word, speak, declare, phrase, communicate, assert, pronounce, utter, couch, put across, enunciate, put into words, verbalize, asseverate He failed to articulate an overall vision.2. pronounce, say, talk, speak, voice, utter, enunciate, vocalize, enounce He articulated each syllable.


adjective1. Produced by the voice:oral, sonant, spoken, uttered, vocal, voiced.2. Fluently persuasive and forceful:eloquent, facund, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken.verb1. To produce or make (speech sounds):enunciate, pronounce, say, utter, vocalize.2. To put into words:communicate, convey, declare, express, say, state, talk, tell, utter, vent, verbalize, vocalize, voice.Idiom: give tongue to.3. To make into a whole by joining a system of parts:concatenate, integrate.


(aːˈtikjuleit) verb to speak or pronounce. The teacher articulated (his words) very carefully. 清晰表達 清楚地表达 (-lət) adjective able to express one's thoughts clearly. He's unusually articulate for a three-year-old child. 表達力強的 表达力强的arˈticulately (-lət-) adverb 能言善道地 表达力强地arˈticulateness (-lət-) noun 咬字 讲话arˌticuˈlation noun 發音 发音



Zoology (of arthropods and higher vertebrates) possessing joints or jointed segments



 [ahr-tik´u-lāt] 1. to unite by joints; to join.2. united by joints.3. capable of expressing oneself orally.


(ar-tik'yū-lit), 1. Synonym(s): articulated2. Capable of distinct and connected meaningful speech. 3. To join or connect together loosely to allow motion between the parts. 4. To speak distinctly and precisely. [L. articulo, pp. -atus, to articulate]


(är-tĭk′yə-lĭt)adj.1. Composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words: articulate speech.2. Having the power of speech.3. Biology Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.v. (-lāt′) articu·lated, articu·lating, articu·lates v.tr.1. To pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate.2. To utter (a speech sound) by making the necessary movements of the speech organs.3. Biology To unite by forming a joint or joints.v.intr.1. To speak clearly and distinctly.2. To utter a speech sound.3. Biology To form a joint; be jointed: The thighbone articulates with the bones of the hip.
ar·tic′u·late·ly adv.ar·tic′u·late·ness, ar·tic′u·la·cy (-lə-sē) n.


Dentistry The conforming of the upper to the lower teeth, especially when adjusting prostheses, bridgework, and crowns to the 'natural' apposing surface Speech To speak concisely


(ahr-tikyū-lăt) 1. Synonym(s): articulated. 2. Capable of distinct and connected speech. 3. To join or connect together loosely to allow motion between the parts. 4. To speak distinctly and connectedly. [L. articulo, pp. -atus, to articulate]


to connect by means of a joint.


(ahr-tikyū-lăt) 1. Capable of distinct and connected meaningful speech. 2. To join or connect together loosely to allow motion between the parts. 3. To speak distinctly and precisely. [L. articulo, pp. -atus, to articulate]



In accounting, describing the relationships, if any, between the different facts listed on a financial statement.


  • all
  • adj
  • verb

Synonyms for articulate

adj expressive


  • expressive
  • clear
  • effective
  • vocal
  • meaningful
  • understandable
  • coherent
  • persuasive
  • fluent
  • eloquent
  • lucid
  • comprehensible
  • communicative
  • intelligible


  • halting
  • silent
  • unclear
  • dumb
  • mute
  • faltering
  • mumbled
  • stammering
  • hesitant
  • incomprehensible
  • stuttering
  • unintelligible
  • speechless
  • incoherent
  • tongue-tied
  • indistinct
  • voiceless
  • poorly-spoken

verb express


  • express
  • say
  • tell
  • state
  • word
  • speak
  • declare
  • phrase
  • communicate
  • assert
  • pronounce
  • utter
  • couch
  • put across
  • enunciate
  • put into words
  • verbalize
  • asseverate

verb pronounce


  • pronounce
  • say
  • talk
  • speak
  • voice
  • utter
  • enunciate
  • vocalize
  • enounce

Synonyms for articulate

adj produced by the voice


  • oral
  • sonant
  • spoken
  • uttered
  • vocal
  • voiced

adj fluently persuasive and forceful


  • eloquent
  • facund
  • silver-tongued
  • smooth-spoken

verb to produce or make (speech sounds)


  • enunciate
  • pronounce
  • say
  • utter
  • vocalize

verb to put into words


  • communicate
  • convey
  • declare
  • express
  • say
  • state
  • talk
  • tell
  • utter
  • vent
  • verbalize
  • vocalize
  • voice

verb to make into a whole by joining a system of parts


  • concatenate
  • integrate

Synonyms for articulate

verb provide with a joint


  • joint

Related Words

  • carpentry
  • woodworking
  • woodwork
  • furnish
  • provide
  • supply
  • render

verb put into words or an expression


  • give voice
  • phrase
  • word
  • formulate

Related Words

  • ask
  • evince
  • express
  • show
  • lexicalise
  • lexicalize
  • dogmatise
  • dogmatize
  • formularise
  • formularize
  • couch
  • redact
  • put
  • frame
  • cast

verb speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way


  • enounce
  • enunciate
  • pronounce
  • sound out
  • say

Related Words

  • twang
  • devoice
  • raise
  • lilt
  • palatalise
  • palatalize
  • nasalise
  • nasalize
  • mispronounce
  • misspeak
  • aspirate
  • vocalize
  • voice
  • vocalise
  • sound
  • retroflex
  • subvocalise
  • subvocalize
  • syllabise
  • syllabize
  • drawl
  • labialise
  • labialize
  • round
  • lisp
  • accent
  • accentuate
  • stress
  • vowelise
  • vowelize
  • click
  • trill
  • sibilate
  • flap
  • explode
  • roll

verb unite by forming a joint or joints

Related Words

  • link up
  • connect
  • link
  • unite
  • join

verb express or state clearly


  • enunciate
  • vocalise
  • vocalize

Related Words

  • say
  • state
  • tell

adj expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language

Related Words

  • communicatory
  • communicative
  • spoken


  • inarticulate
  • unarticulate

adj consisting of segments held together by joints


  • articulated




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