Surikov Literary and Musical Circle
Surikov Literary and Musical Circle
a literary association in Moscow composed of writers from among the common people.
The founding of the Surikov Literary and Musical Circle dates to the publication of The Dawn (1872), a joint collection of works by self-taught writers published on the initiative of I. Z. Surikov. In the first years of the 20th century, the Moscow Comradely Circle of Writers From the People was founded. Beginning in 1903, a number of literary and musical groups joined the Surikov Literary and Musical Circle, whose charter was adopted in 1905. The circle’s members included the writers S. D. Drozhzhin, M. L. Leonov, F. S. Shkulev, and E. E. Nechaev and a number of singers and musicians from among the people.
The members of the circle (surikovtsy) published a number of newspapers, including Dolia bedniaka (The Poor Man’s Lot; 1909–14), several magazines, and approximately 40 literary collections. Many surikovtsy were influenced by Narodnichestvo (Populism) and by the views of L. N. Tolstoy; the best representatives of the circle joined the revolutionary movement.
In the first decade of the 20th century, the writers G. D. Deev-Khomiakovskii, S. N. Koshkarev (Zarevoi), I. I. Morozov, S. D. Fomin, and A. P. Chapygin became members of the circle. The publishing house they founded, Drug Naroda (Friend of the People, 1915–16), issued agitational literature. In 1921 the surikovtsy joined the All-Russian Union of Peasant Writers, which in 1925 was renamed the All-Russian Society of Peasant Writers. A minority of the surikovtsy retained their membership in the circle until 1933.
I. Z. Surikov i poety-surikovtsy. [Introductory article by E. S. Kalmanovskii.] Moscow-Leningrad, 1966.Zhivye golosa: Literaturnye stranitsy proshlogo. [Introductory article by A. V. Priamkov.] Yaroslavl, 1971.
Zolotnitskii, D. I. “Drozhzhin i poety derevni.” In Istoriia russkoi literatury, vol. 10. Moscow-Leningrad, 1954.Priamkov, A. V. Pisateli iz naroda. Yaroslavl, 1958.