Acronym | Definition |
PGT➣Philipinas Got Talent (est. 2010; TV show) |
PGT➣Piano di Governo del Territorio (Italian: Plan of Government Land) |
PGT➣Postgraduate Taught |
PGT➣Pagelet File |
PGT➣Program Management |
PGT➣Powergraphs Toolkit |
PGT➣Polska Gazeta Transportowa (Polish: Polish Newspaper Transport) |
PGT➣Public Guardian and Trustee |
PGT➣Procuradoria Geral do Trabalho (Brazil: federal prosecutor's office - labor courts) |
PGT➣Post Graduate Training |
PGT➣Pistol Grip Tool |
PGT➣Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc. |
PGT➣Product Growth Team (various organizations) |
PGT➣Post-Genomic Technologies (UK) |
PGT➣Partido Guatemalteco de los Trabajadores (Guatemalan comunist party) |
PGT➣Public Gas Transporter |
PGT➣Polished Granite Tomahawk (EQ gaming) |
PGT➣Pacifica Group Technologies (Pacifica Group Limited) |
PGT➣Positive-Going Transition (Digital Systems) |
PGT➣Punta Gorda Town (Florida) |
PGT➣Progressive Glass Technology Industries (US manufacturer of impact resistant glass) |