

单词 protoctist genus

protoctist genus

Noun1.protoctist genus - any genus of Protoctistakingdom Protoctista, Protoctista - in most modern classifications, replacement for the Protista; includes: Protozoa; Euglenophyta; Chlorophyta; Cryptophyta; Heterokontophyta; Rhodophyta; unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms: regarded as distinct from plants and animalsgenus Amoeba - protozoan inhabiting moist soils or bottom vegetation in fresh or salt waterEndamoeba, genus Endamoeba - the type genus of the family Endamoebidaegenus Globigerina - type genus of the family Globigerinidaegenus Arcella - type genus of the Arcellidaegenus Difflugia - genus of protozoans related to amebagenus Paramecium - freshwater ciliate with an oval body and long deep oral groovegenus Tetrahymena - protozoa having four membranous ciliary organellesgenus Stentor - trumpet-shaped protozoa with a ciliated spiral feeding funnelgenus Vorticella - ciliated protozoans that have a goblet-shaped body with a retractile stalkgenus Conferva, genus Tribonema, Tribonema - type genus of Tribonemaceaegenus Laminaria, Laminaria - type genus of the family Laminariaceae: perennial brown kelpsgenus Fucus - type genus of the family Fucaceae: cartilaginous brown algaeAscophyllum, genus Ascophyllum - brown algae distinguished by compressed or inflated branchlets along the axisgenus Sargassum - a genus of protoctistgenus Euglena - type genus of the family Euglenaceae: green algae with a single flagellumgenus Ulva, Ulva - type genus of the family Ulvaceae; green seaweed having a thallus two cells thick: sea lettucegenus Volvox, Volvox - type genus of the Volvocaceae; minute pale green flagellates occurring in tiny spherical colonies; minute flagella rotate the colony about an axisChlamydomonas, genus Chlamydomonas - type genus of the Chlamydomonadaceae; solitary doubly-flagellated plant-like algae common in fresh water and damp soil; multiply freely; often a pest around filtration plantsgenus Zygnema, Zygnema - type genus of the family Zygnemataceaegenus Spirogyra - a genus of protoctistChlorococcum, genus Chlorococcum - type genus of Chlorococcales; unicellular green algae occurring singly or in a layer on soil or damp rockgenus Chlorella - nonmotile unicellular green algae potentially important as source of high-grade protein and B-complex vitaminsgenus Oedogonium, Oedogonium - type genus of Oedogoniaceae; freshwater green algae having long unbranched filaments; usually free-floating when matureChara, genus Chara - green algae common in freshwater lakes of limestone districtsgenus Nitella, Nitella - fragile branching stonewortsDesmidium, genus Desmidium - a genus of protoctistChondrus, genus Chondrus - a genus of protoctistgenus Rhodymenia, Rhodymenia - type genus of the family Rhodymeniaceaegenus Porphyra, Porphyra - a genus of protoctistgenus Noctiluca - a genus of protoctistgenus Peridinium, Peridinium - type genus of the family Peridiniidaegenus Costia - a genus of flagellate protoctistgenus Giardia - flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebratesChilomastix, genus Chilomastix - flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates including humansgenus Hexamita, Hexamita - flagellates free-living or parasitic in intestines of birdsgenus Trichomonas - flagellates parasitic in alimentary or genitourinary tracts of vertebrates and invertebrates including humansgenus Eimeria - type genus of the family Eimeriidae; includes serious pathogensgenus Plasmodium - type genus of the family Plasmodiidaegenus Haemoproteus, Haemoproteus - type genus of the family Haemoproteidaegenus Leucocytozoan, genus Leucocytozoon - a genus of protoctistgenus Babesia, genus Piroplasma - type genus of the family Babesiidaegenus Sarcocystis, Sarcocystis - chief genus of the order Sarcosporidiagenus - (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species

protoctist genus

  • noun

Words related to protoctist genus

noun any genus of Protoctista

Related Words

  • kingdom Protoctista
  • Protoctista
  • genus Amoeba
  • Endamoeba
  • genus Endamoeba
  • genus Globigerina
  • genus Arcella
  • genus Difflugia
  • genus Paramecium
  • genus Tetrahymena
  • genus Stentor
  • genus Vorticella
  • genus Conferva
  • genus Tribonema
  • Tribonema
  • genus Laminaria
  • Laminaria
  • genus Fucus
  • Ascophyllum
  • genus Ascophyllum
  • genus Sargassum
  • genus Euglena
  • genus Ulva
  • Ulva
  • genus Volvox
  • Volvox
  • Chlamydomonas
  • genus Chlamydomonas
  • genus Zygnema
  • Zygnema
  • genus Spirogyra
  • Chlorococcum
  • genus Chlorococcum
  • genus Chlorella
  • genus Oedogonium
  • Oedogonium
  • Chara
  • genus Chara
  • genus Nitella
  • Nitella
  • Desmidium
  • genus Desmidium
  • Chondrus
  • genus Chondrus
  • genus Rhodymenia
  • Rhodymenia
  • genus Porphyra
  • Porphyra
  • genus Noctiluca
  • genus Peridinium
  • Peridinium
  • genus Costia
  • genus Giardia
  • Chilomastix
  • genus Chilomastix
  • genus Hexamita
  • Hexamita
  • genus Trichomonas
  • genus Eimeria
  • genus Plasmodium
  • genus Haemoproteus
  • Haemoproteus
  • genus Leucocytozoan
  • genus Leucocytozoon
  • genus Babesia
  • genus Piroplasma
  • genus Sarcocystis
  • Sarcocystis
  • genus




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