

P0617600 (prō-tŏn′ə-tĕr′ē, prō′tə-nō′tə-rē)n. Variant of prothonotary.


(proʊˈθɒn əˌtɛr i, ˌproʊ θəˈnoʊ tə ri)

also protonotary

n., pl. -tar•ies. 1. a chief clerk in certain courts of law. 2. Rom. Cath. Ch. a. one of a body of officials in the papal curia assigned solemn clerical duties. b. an honorary title for certain other prelates. [1400–50; < Medieval Latin prōthonotārius, Late Latin prōtonotārius < Greek prōtonotarios. See proto-, notary] pro•thon`o•tar′i•al (-ˈtɛər i əl) adj.