Reiter syndrome

Rei·ter syn·drome

(rī'tĕr), the association of urethritis, iridocyclitis, mucocutaneous lesions, and arthritis, sometimes with diarrhea; one or more of these conditions may recur at intervals of months or years, but the arthritis may be persistent. Synonym(s): Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome, Reiter disease

Reiter syndrome

(rī′tər)n. Reactive arthritis, especially when associated with conjunctivitis and urethritis.

Reiter syndrome

Reactive arthritis Orthopedics A condition, more common in young ♂, especially with HLA-B27, characterized by arthritis, urethritis, conjunctivitis Etiology Unknown, may follow STD, or infection with Chlamydia, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Yersinia Clinical Urethritis days or wks after an infection, followed by a low-grade fever, conjunctivitis, asymmetric polyarticular arthritis over ensuing wks

Rei·ter syn·drome

(rī'ter sin'drōm) The association of urethritis, iridocyclitis, mucocutaneous lesions, and arthritis, sometimes with diarrhea; one or more of these conditions may recur at intervals of months or years, but the arthritis may be persistent. Pathogenesis remains unclear but is thought to represent an abnormal host response to various infectious agents.


Hans Conrad Julius, German bacteriologist and hygienist, 1881-1969. Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome - Synonym(s): Reiter syndromeReiter disease - Synonym(s): Reiter syndromeReiter syndrome - association of urethritis, iridocyclitis, mucocutaneous lesions, and arthritis. Synonym(s): Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome; Reiter diseaseReiter test - a complement-fixation test for syphilis.

Rei·ter syn·drome

(rī'ter sin'drōm) The association of urethritis, iridocyclitis, mucocutaneous lesions, and arthritis, sometimes with diarrhe; thought to represent an abnormal host response to infectious agents.