

 [fag″o-si-tol´ĭ-sis] destruction of phagocytes. adj., adj phagocytolyt´ic.


(fag'ō-sī-tol'i-sis), 1. Destruction of phagocytes, or leukocytes, occurring in the process of blood coagulation or as the result of the introduction of certain antagonistic foreign substances into the body. Synonym(s): phagolysis2. A spontaneous breaking down of the phagocytes, preliminary (according to Metchnikoff) to the liberation of cytase, or complement. [phagocyte + G. lysis, dissolution]


(fag'ō-sī-tol'i-sis) 1. Destruction of phagocytes, or leukocytes, occurring in the process of blood coagulation or as the result of the introduction of certain antagonistic foreign substances into the body. 2. A spontaneous breaking down of the phagocytes, preliminary to the liberation of complement. [phagocyte + G. lysis, dissolution]