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pro·to·tro·phic P0618300 (prō′tə-trō′fĭk, -trŏf′ĭk)adj. Having the same metabolic capabilities and nutritional requirements as the wild type parent strain: prototrophic bacteria. pro′to·troph′, pro′to·troph′y n.prototrophic (ˌprəʊtəˈtrɒfɪk) adj1. (Biology) (esp of bacteria) feeding solely on inorganic matter2. (Biology) (of cultured bacteria, fungi, etc) having no specific nutritional requirementspro•to•troph•ic (ˌproʊ təˈtrɒf ɪk, -ˈtroʊ fɪk) adj. 1. having the same nutritional requirements as the normal or wild type. 2. capable of synthesizing nutrients from inorganic matter: prototrophic bacteria. [1895–1900] pro′to•troph` (-ˌtrɒf, -ˌtroʊf) n.
prototrophic[¦prōd·ō¦träf·ik] (microbiology) Pertaining to bacteria with the nutritional properties of the wild type, or the strains found in nature. prototrophic
pro·to·troph·ic (prō'tō-trof'ik), 1. Pertaining to a prototroph. 2. Denoting the ability to undertake anabolism or to obtain nourishment from a single source, as with iron, sulfur, or nitrifying bacteria or photosynthesizing plants. prototrophic (prō′tə-trō′fĭk, -trŏf′ĭk)adj. Having the same metabolic capabilities and nutritional requirements as the wild type parent strain: prototrophic bacteria. pro′to·troph′, pro′to·troph′y n. |