Phalen maneuver

Phalen maneuver

(fā'lĕn), maneuver in which the wrist is maintained in volar flexion; paresthesia occurring in the distribution of the median nerve within 60 seconds may indicate carpal tunnel syndrome.

Pha·len ma·neu·ver

(fā'lĕn mă-nū'vĕr) Procedure in which the wrist is maintained in volar flexion; paresthesia occurring in the distribution of the median nerve within 60 seconds may be indicative of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Synonym(s): Phalen test.


George S., U.S. orthopedist, 1911–. Phalen maneuver - a maneuver done to check for carpal tunnel abnormality. Synonym(s): Phalen sign; Phalen testPhalen positionPhalen sign - Synonym(s): Phalen maneuverPhalen test - Synonym(s): Phalen maneuver