Saltwater State Park

Saltwater State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Washington
Location:2 miles south of Des Moines on Highway 509.
Facilities:50 standard campsites, group camp, 2 showers (é), picnic area, 2 kitchen shelters, hiking trail, bike trail, beach access, ball fields, educational programs, artificial reef.
Activities:Camping, hiking, biking, scuba diving, fishing.
Special Features:Park dedication in 1926 included a peace effort to stop bad feelings between the cities of Tacoma and Seattle. The Park is located halfway between the two cities, and a hatchet is symbolically buried under a rock somewhere in the park.
Address:25205 8th Pl S
Des Moines, WA 98198

Size: 88 acres.

See other parks in Washington.