Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge
Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge
Tishomingo, OK 73460
Web: www.fws.gov/southwest/refuges/oklahoma/tishomingo
Established: 1946.
Location:South-central Oklahoma.
Facilities:Trails, viewing sites, picnic areas, historic features.
Activities:Boating, fishing, hiking, hunting.
Special Features:Harley's cemetary is located on the refuge at the location of the former Old Chickasaw Manual Labor Academy. There is a tombstone in the cemetery for a man named "Chuck." He is not related to the Harleys and the stone is not old. Other tombstones are from the 19th century.
Habitats: 16,464 acres of hardwood forests, wild plum thickets, grasslands, cropland, seasonally flooded flats and shallows, and the 4,500-acre Cumberland Pool.
Access: Daylight hours, except for nighttime fishing.
Wild life: White-tailed deer, wild turkeys, armadillos, opossums, fox squirrels, cottontails, hawks, warblers, vireos, red-headed woodpeckers, ducks, and bald eagles.
See other parks in Oklahoma.